Project Details

HubSpot Implementation expert

  • Medium Level
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Type Fixed
  • Duration: Less than a month

Project Details

Looking for a HubSpot expert to implement it for marketing 

Databases as of today

  1. Clients
    1. Over 4,000 accounts and contacts
    2. In Dynamics
    3. In MailChimp (database exported from the CRM on a regular basis and segmented)
    4. Also, in the custom-based users app (developed internally)
  2. Evaluators
    1. 60,000 contacts 
    2. In Shopmetrics -

Solutions as of today

  1. MS Dynamics (no licenses for the marketing team)
  2. Shopmetrics
  3. Unified communication platform to manage communications with evaluators on WhatsApp and WeChat (under review for 2023 so might be covered by the CRM if applicable and available with a plugin. Will need to be connected somehow to the database of evaluators and clients). Solution has not been selected yet
  4. MailChimp
  5. Internally developed App

Criteria for segmentation per database

  1. Clients
    1. Markets / Countries
    2. Languages
    3. Industries 
    4. Others 
  2. Evaluators
    1. Languages (15-24 languages in total, including minor languages)
    2. Grading (silver, gold, platinum)
    3. Countries
    4. Frequency of missions
    5. Others

Examples of automated / manual scenarios and mass communications (emaiing)

  1. Clients:
    1. Contract anniversary
    2. Number of surveys reached over a certain period of time (relates to sales)
    3. Product updates (emailing)
    4. Local celebrations, such as Thanksgiving in the US, Mid-Autumn festival in China, etc. (emailing)
    5. Latest sign in on our App to remind them to come back and review the data available after some time
    6. Others (not identified at that point)
  2. Evaluators :
    1. Welcome email 
    2. Birthday
    3. Onboarding anniversary
    4. Local celebrations, such as Thanksgiving in the US, Mid-Autumn festival in China, etc. (emailing)
    5. Number of missions
    6. Profile % completion level (evaluators complete a profile in Shopmetrics when they first apply)
    7. Latest sign in on the platform (to remind them to come back and review new job opportunities)
    8. Grading / performance based (automated emails might be generated when an evaluator reaches a new grade)
    9. Application confirmed (an evaluator has been selected for a mission)
    10. Others (not identified at that point)

Below example of a complete scenario (that we would like to see in the demo).

Suggested communication channels

  1. Emails
  2. WhatsApp
  3. WeChat